
Ånnaboda - Suttarboda, Bergslagsleden Etapp 10


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 7.0 km
  • Aika 2 h
  • Vaikeuksia Sininen - keskikokoinen


Tällä hetkellä

Most water taps are closed during the period 1/11 - 15/4. This is because of the risk of pipes freezing. However, nature's water reserves are well stocked during that period.


Stage 10 is the shortest stage along the Bergslagen Trail. You pass the steep Falkaberget hill, which offers a number of words of wisdom from former UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, and a beautiful view across the forests and Lake Falkasjön. The trail passes historic areas that played a key role during the heyday of the iron-making industry. Pay a visit to Sörtorpet in Suttarboda and see what a typical Kilsberg cottage might have looked like several hundred years ago. In certain sections, the trail passes through areas of deciduous forest with beautiful hayfields and a patchwork of meadows, typical of the old agricultural settlements in the region. Our resting place, with a wind shelter, fireplace and toilet, is beautifully located beside a small lake, Björktjärn. There is also a resting place at Suttarboda, also with a wind shelter, fireplace and toilet.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit


  • Nära kollektivtrafik Nära kollektivtrafik


Length: 7 km

Time: 2 h

Difficulty level: 2

Activities: Swimming, skiing, fishing

Surface: Forest road and forest path. You start the hike by crossing Ånnaboda nature reserve. Altitude: 260 m above sea level

Fresh water: In Ånnaboda there is a water tap both at the upper facility and the cottage in the parking lot. Drinking water is available in Suttarboda at the barn about 300 meters north of the rest area.


Ånnaboda - Örebro | Active camping in magnificent nature (


There are buses to Ånnaboda daily, all year round. You can also book local traffic to and from Suttarboda, the nearest stop will then be Garphyttan.


Ota yhteyttä


Johan Karlström

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