
Vreta kloster - Borensberg, Birgittaleden, S:t Birgitta Ways


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 22.0 km
  • Vaikeuksia Vihreä - yksinkertainen



This part of Östgötaleden follows the pedestrian and bicycle paths from Borensberg to Berg. Along the trail you can see both a fine cultural environment and a fine natural environment. At Näs there is a very nice oak hill with ancient remains. One also passes the fine Brunneby church, which was built at the end of the 13th century. Furthermore, a very beautiful deciduous forest is located next to the trail, at Ruda, where many red-listed species live. The Birgitta Trail is a pilgrimage route that connects parts of St. Birgitta's life, past and present. On the Birgitta trail, you are welcome to hike or cycle on easily accessible roads. There are good accommodation options (including five STF hostels, many hotels and guest houses) and access to shops and restaurants. The Birgitta trail is not marked in the terrain, but coincides on certain parts with the Östgötaleden trail. More information about the trail, maps and directions can be found on the Pilgrim Center's website.

On Naturkartan, the Birgitta trail is divided into four sections. The distance between Vreta Kloster and Borensberg is 22 km.

Get here by public transport

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit
  • Pilgrimsled Pilgrimsled


  • Nära parkering Nära parkering
  • Nära kollektivtrafik Nära kollektivtrafik
  • Barnvagnstillgängligt Barnvagnstillgängligt


Birgittaleden kan man nå med kollektivtrafik på många ställen. Kontakta Östgötatrafiken på www.ostgotatrafiken.se eller 0771-21 10 10.


Ota yhteyttä


Har du frågor kring leddragningar eller intressepunkter på St. Birgitta Ways kartguide. Kontakta då Emanuel Eriksson på Pilgrimscentrum


Vadstena Pilgrimscentrum

+46 143 105 71


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