
STF Stora Fjäderägg Vandrarhem


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



A narrow concrete pathway leads from the harbour through a sparsely vegetated rocky landscape and crowberry moors to the lighthouse and the hostel, which dates back to 1850. If you want to visit at times other than weekends in August and September, please contact the accommodation directly, and it can be arranged

Stora Fjäderägg is surrounded by ocean. From the lighthouse keeper’s stairs you can follow the ships travelling from the Bothnian Sea up to the Gulf of Bothnia. You can walk over sun warmed shingle fields and heathery moors, pick berries and mushrooms, fossick along the beach, and if you’re lucky spot a seal sunbathing on a cliff. The island is a nature reserve and has long been an important beacon for sailors in these difficult to navigate waters.

Migrating birds stop off at Stora Fjäderägg on their journey towards Asia or Africa (perhaps this is how the island got its name, which translates to ‘Big Feather Egg’), and a bird station is located in the lighthouse keeper’s quarters. Those interested in sailing can enjoy a trip on the gaff-rigged Holmö sloop, which takes guests to the island in summer.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä


    Box 1

    918 03 Holmön


Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Boende Boende


From Umeå you travel north with bus 118/119 via Sävar. If you drive your own car, take the E4 north, turn right at the height of Sävar, at the sign "Passbåt Holmön". Park the car at the ferry stop. The drive from Umeå takes 30-40 minutes.

In Norrfjärden is the Swedish Road Administration's ferry that is free of charge and takes you to Holmön. You can find the timetable at

From Byviken on Holmön, you continue with the hostel's boat out to Stora Fjäderägg. The boat is booked in connection with booking accommodation.

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