
Rosdala glasbruk


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The glass work is not open for the public.


Rosdala glasswork was founded in 1895 of Oscar Carlström and Karl Petersson. The first cabin in the glasswork were powered by hydropower from the small stream called Garvarebäcken. Since the start has the glasswork had many different owners.

Rosdala glasswork focused mainly on making glass lamps. The reason was that people during the 1860’s started to abandon the old open fireplaces and replacing them with wood stoves. The problem with wood stoves is that they don’t give any light so then people had to buy kerosene lamps. Later in the beginning of the 1900’s the electric light had started to make its way into the Swedish homes. The need for lightbulbs and quality glass increased.

During the late 1900’s was there a decreased demand for glass and today is Rosdala glasswork closed.

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  • Kultura Kultura


The glass work is not open.

Wskazówki dojazdu

Norrhult and Rosdala glass work is located close to road 31, about 35 km north of Växjö. Follow the signs to Norrhult and the signs for “Glasbruk”.


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