Wędrówki piesze

Upplandsleden, etapp 15, Västland–Marma (Vikingaleden, etapp 11)

Wędrówki piesze

4 z 5 gwiazdek 4,0 (zobacz recenzje)

Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku

  • Długość 17.5 km



The start of section 15 is just by the church in Västland, a small village with ancient beginnings. The end is Marma by the River Dalälven, which you can get to by train. The first few kilometres are along easy-to-walk paths almost without rocks and roots. You’ll pass Tingshällarna, a small area of flat rocks in the middle of the forest. Six kilometres into the section, close to the overgrown Lake Trusksjön, is the Honolulu Hut. It’s an open lodge where you can stay the night. You can’t book it.

The trail continues along varied paths, sometimes rocky and sometimes easier to walk. Before reaching the road number 291, the forest changes, and you’ll enter an area of sandy ground and pine forests. The last part is along smaller roads and wide paths. You’ll pass a wind shelter just by the water, with a view of Lake Marmafjärden. In Marma you will find a train and a bus station, a kiosk, and a beach.

Difficulty level: Medium, forest paths and a few kilometres on roads.

Dojazd transportem publicznym

Działania i udogodnienia

  • Wędrówki piesze Wędrówki piesze


  • Blisko transportu publicznego Blisko transportu publicznego


The walk is mostly along forest paths.


At the start there is a bus stop Västlands kyrka.

From Marma there are buses and trains to Uppsala or Gävle. The station is 200 m from the end of the stage. Follow the road that goes in at Kiosken.

For timetables and bus numbers, go to www.ul.se

Wskazówki dojazdu

Västland ligger längs vägen som går mellan Tierp och Karlholm. Från Tierp följer du skyltarna mot Karlholms bruk. Efter 15 km är du framme i Västland. Parkering finns vid kyrkan.

Marma ligger längs väg 291, en mil söder om Älvkarleby. Vid etappslutet finns parkering vid Marmafjärden, mitt emot Marma kiosk och grill. Följ bara väg 291.


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