Sleep in an old military bunker with sea view at Eriksberg along ARK56 in the Blekinge Archipelago
What do you do with a well preserved bunker with sea view from World War II? Stay overnight of course!
Two coastal artillery bunkers from the 1940s, inaugurated on April 26, 2024, have been transformed into unique accommodations as part of the Blekinge Archipelago project, offering new seating and sleeping options, a fireplace, and a barbecue area.
"We are delighted to be able to complement an already fantastic hiking experience with this unusual overnight opportunity," says Peter Larsson, outdoor recreation coordinator at the County Administrative Board of Blekinge.
The bunkers are located approximately five kilometers out on the beautiful hiking trail Allböleleden, which runs along the coast, in an undeveloped part of the Eriksbergs stränder nature reserve. The view of the archipelago guarantees significant interest.
"The purpose of the bunkers is not mass tourism, but rather a way to increase the value of our unique coastal and archipelago environments," says Daniel Granello, coordinator of the Blekinge Archipelago Biosphere Reserve."

We are investing in outdoor life and nature tourism.
This project is part of a larger initiative, undertaken in collaboration between Blekinge Archipelago, Eriksberg, the County Administrative Board of Blekinge, Region Blekinge, Karlshamn Municipality, and several tourism businesses throughout Blekinge. The aim is to create and connect trails for outdoor activities and nature tourism along the ARK56 route.
In the same spirit, the establishment of 300 meters of new bridges connecting Allböleleden and Kohageleden is also included. This opens up the possibility of coastal hiking between Karlshamn and Ronneby, and ultimately along the entire Blekinge coast.
Preserving and Transforming History
However, the story could have taken a different turn, as most of the bunkers, which were part of the extensive Per-Albin Line, have now been demolished or sealed. That was also the original intention for these bunkers.
"Twenty-two years ago, most of the bunkers along the coast were sealed. At that time, I suggested that instead, we should try to find something that attracts visitors to our area," says Per-Arne Olsson, CEO of Scandinavia's largest safari park, Eriksberg.
Something that most of those involved are very pleased about today.
"The relatively simple transformation of previously closed environments now offers a unique and exciting opportunity to experience the echoes of history and enjoy the fantastic views of the Blekinge archipelago," says Magnus Broomé of Blekinge Archipelago, who has been the project manager.
Try it Out for Yourself
Take advantage of the finest hiking season in spring and try it out for yourself by spending a night in one of the two bunkers. The bunkers are also winterized with a small stove, but you will need to bring your own firewood. The overnight stay is free for everyone. There may be a way to book the bunkers in the future. For now, simply bring your sleeping bag and make yourself comfortable - the bunkers are open 24/7. Enjoy the wonderful sea view. You are here now.

Blekinge Arkipelag Kurpromenaden 4 372 36 Ronneby
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