47 nature reserves in the Blekinge Archipelago Biosphere Reserve
You’ll find 47 nature reserves in the Blekinge Archipelago Biosphere Reserve, all of which offer…
Nature reserve
A varied landscape in an area ideal for walks at the mouth of the Bräkneån river.
The nature reserve borders the inlet Väbyfjorden and covers a hilly landscape with areas of reeds, coastal meadows, forest, rocky outcrops and pasture land. The reserve also includes the island of Kalvö.
It is popular with walkers and has a rich flora. The stock dove nests here, and the many plants of early summer include several species of orchid.
The rules for the nature reserve are shown in the link below, but, for example, you may not pick flowers between 1 April and 30 June, dogs must be kept on a lead and you are not allowed to park a caravan/pitch a tent or light a fire.
Source: County Administrative Board
Skyddsår: 1973
Kommun: Ronneby kommun
Karaktär: Hagmarker, strandängar, hällmarker, ö, marin miljö i havsvik
Areal: 63 hektar, varav 39 hektar land och 24 hektar vatten
Markägare: Privat och staten
Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen Blekinge
Skyddsform: Naturreservat och Natura 2000
Turn off the E22 at junction 55 towards Bräkne-Hoby and follow the signs to Järnavik. After about 1.5 kilometres, turn left, signposted Järnavik. After about 2 kilometres, turn left, signposted Saxemara. Turn left after 700 metres, signposted Sonekulla. You will pass Sonekulla after 3 kilometres. Follow signs to Biskopsmåla. After 1 kilometre, you will find the nature reserve next to the road on the left-hand side.
Du är välkommen att besöka Sonekulla, men tänk på att det inte är tillåtet att:
Länsstyrelsen Blekinge
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