
Hallsjö kyrkoruin


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The ruins of a medieval church and the site of a sacrificial spring where people believed they could be cured of illnesses. However, if you were greedy, you might also acquire others’ ailments…

Just north of Lagan, you’ll find the remarkable church ruins in Hallsjö, all that remains of the old parish church from the 14th century. The location of the Hallsjö church ruin has been considered significant since at least the Iron Age. The entire stretch along the old national road is full of ancient remains, and the church site is no exception. According to stories, it was abandoned during the 1560s after being destroyed by the Danes. Today, the church ruins have been renovated with benches, crucifixes, and a wooden altar, and they are used for outdoor worship services.

South of the church ruins lies an Iron Age burial field, and there is even a burial mound remaining in the churchyard. Near the church, you’ll also find the Holy Styrk’s Spring, where people still went in the mid-1800s to offer against skin rashes and scabies.

Visits to Holy Styrk’s Spring were to occur before sunrise, preferably on Sunday or Thursday mornings. On Walpurgis Night and Midsummer Day, pilgrimages were made there. Those fetching the healing water had to remain completely silent, fast, and offer a silver coin or buckle into the spring. On Midsummer Eve each year, the spring was purified. The offerings were carefully collected and placed on a stone. No one dared take any of the gifts, as doing so would result in the same illnesses as the person who had made the offering. There’s a tale of a farmhand who once found a beautiful silver ornament at the site and took it home… only to become covered in scabies. The only solution to rid himself of the ailment was to return the jewelry, and just like that, he was healed!

The fact that this site has been used for various religious practices for over 1000 years makes visiting here a unique experience.

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Działania i udogodnienia

  • Kultura Kultura
  • Archeologiczny Archeologiczny

Wskazówki dojazdu

Kyrkoruinen finns vid avfart Hallsjö vid E4 eller längs Riksettan norrut. En mindre parkering och informationsskylt finns vid vägen tillsammans med skyltar till både kyrkoruin och gravfält.


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