
Hästholmen-Ytterön, Naturreservat


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



The Hästholmen-Ytterön nature reserve is a historically valuable archipelago environment. The islands mainly comprise flat bare rock, juniper heaths and coastal meadows.

Much of the nature reserve is sea, and for centuries mankind has shaped the small-scale agricultural landscape on the islands. The coastal meadows and the heaths were grazed by cows while pigs gorged themselves fat on acorns in the oak woodland. The low-lying meadows were cut for winter feed for the animals and arable land was farmed.

When the population grew in the nineteenth century, the landscape changed radically. The forest shrunk and the amount of arable land increased. The result was an open landscape, which largely remains to this day. To preserve this valuable historic environment, the land needs to be kept open through grazing, mowing and farming.

Hästholmen-Ytterön is dominated by flat rock and grassy heaths with plenty of juniper bushes. The long, narrow rift valleys that slice through the landscape are characteristic of the area. The valleys have been farmed throughout history and crops are still grown on some fields today.

A wide area of coastal meadows spreads out north of the village of Hästholmen. These coastal meadows were formerly sea inlets and salt-tolerant plants, including species such as blackgrass, salt grass, sea milkwort, thrift and sea arrowgrass grow along the water’s edge.

The rules for the nature reserve are shown in the link below, but, for example, dogs must be kept on a lead and you are not allowed to park a caravan or pitch a tent for more than 48 hours, light a fire other than in a place designated for the purpose or park other than in places indicated.

Source: County Administrative Board

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Luonnonsuojelualue Luonnonsuojelualue


Skyddsår: 1975. Uppdaterat beslut och skötselplan från december 2024 är överklagat. C-föreskrifter gäller enligt ovan.

Kommun: Karlskrona

Karaktär: Småskaligt odlingslandskap i skärgårdsmiljö, betesmark på öar, klippor, strandängar, marin miljö

Areal: 1152 hektar, varav 392 hektar land och 760 hektar vatten

Markägare: Privat

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen Blekinge

Skyddsform: Naturreservat och Natura 2000


Leave the E22 at Jämjö, going towards Torhamn, and follow the signs to Yttre Park. A cable ferry runs from here. The archipelago boat from Karlskrona is an alternative option in the summer.


You are welcome to visit Hästholmen-Ytterön, but remember that it is not allowed to:

  • or stone, on land or in water, or to relay or remove stone, dig up or pull up plants on land or in water, unduly disturb the wildlife,
  • damage living or dead, standing or lying trees and shrubs, as well as abducting or burning dead firewood,
  • picking mosses, lichens or venerating fungi, other than what is reasonably needed for art determination,
  • capture or collect plants, fungi or animals in such a way that their habitats are damaged or destroyed; damage stone walls, cultivation thresholds or other cultural historical remains;
  • introducing the area of alien plant, fungal or animal species,
  • plant, so or disseminate plants, animals, fungi or other organisms (does not apply to planting and seeding in arable land, see Åkermark, annex 2a "Regulatory areas");
  • park or set up motor vehicles, motor vehicles, caravan, trailer or similar other than for the purpose set parking space. In the parking lot set up, the parking or construction of the camper, the caravan may only take place between 05:00-24:00,
  • idle drive engine (more than one minute) or use engine powered charging units;
  • anchor, add or pull up a boat or other watercraft other than during a temporary stay (maximum two days) in the area. The prohibition does not apply to existing individual docks or other set-up boat sites.
  • anchor boats or other watercraft in areas with annexation prohibition pursuant to annex 2a "Regulation map",
  • tent or otherwise camp for more than two days,
  • make fire or use barbecues, other than in specially prepared barbecue area,
  • carry unconnected dogs within the reserve, other than in the case of cattle and hunting, and in the case of injuries. In both herding and hunting, dogs suitable for each purpose and animal species shall be used.

Furthermore, it is prohibited that without the state of the county administrative board:

carry out examinations covering sampling, marking, collection, trap catch, installation of equipment or other impact on the natural environment
use seal creams, or perform other measures, with a view to preventing injuries to fish stocks;
use the area of competition, events or other organised activities which may appear disturbing in nature or in the public outdoor life;
4. set up paintings, placards, posters, signs, snippets, lead marking, inscription or comparable device, other than temporary (maximum one week) in connection with organised outdoor activities or in connection with hunting.

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Länsstyrelsen Blekinge

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